滑冰式橢圓機 -95年 列印



  • 於橢圓式運動訓練中加入髖關節的外展運動模式,以強化外展運動肌群
With hip abduction exercise during ellipticl cross training can enhance the abducens.?
  • 利用運動過程的重心轉換,訓練下肢肌耐力與身體協調性及平衡能力
Strengthen the muscular endurance of lower limbs and improve the body coordination and balance ability by shiftiing the center of body gravity while exercising.?
  • 前置式渦流磁阻系統
Front type eddy current resistance module.?
  • 手足同動,運動效果佳
Excellent exercise performance by the synchronizing motion of handgrips and pedals.
最近更新在 週一, 08 二月 2010 10:15