體育用品展創新產品2012年-入選獎 列印


2.4G網路競賽雙向互饋電子錶模組 將2.4G模組結合搭配祐奇馬達系統電子錶,並應用競賽遊戲軟體可以讓使用者在世界各地透過網路與各國使用者進行比賽。可以控制車台阻力, 使用者可以直接感受到場景上坡及下坡的阻力變化, 提供生動的臨場感覺並達到最大的運動效果。同時, 關於運動健身所量測出來的數據,此軟體與電子錶是雙向同步進行的。此遊戲軟體設計為室內健身帶來更多的樂趣, 同時, 讓你在家也可以進行社交活動。
UCHEER HEALTH TECH CO., LTD Web-Racing with 2.4G Module The Web-Racing with 2.4G Module is designed and developed for series computers. Web-Racing is the feature of NetAthlon that allows users from anywhere in the world to participate in a common virtual athletic event. It will bring more entertainment for indoor fitness training. The users can do the social activities even at home.



綠光雷射望遠鏡 1.目前夜視望遠鏡幾乎都是以不可見光(紅外線)為主,使用不便;另有少部分機種是用LED 加上過濾器,但仍有功率大與體積大及使用距離短等使用不便利問題。
2.本創新產品是在傳統望遠鏡上加裝符合安規要求、且照明可達到300 公尺距離的可見光(綠光)雷射光束,讓傳統望遠鏡能夠在日夜均可便利使用,進而成為傳統望遠鏡產業的新標準配備。
ACMOS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Green Laser Binoculars (Binoculars with Green Laser Illuminator) 1.Current night vision binoculars are not a conveniently using product because they are mostly using IR. Some products are using LED, but its high power, big volume and short lighting distance those are not convenient for binoculars application.
2.The Green Laser Binoculars, binoculars with a small and light weight green laser illuminator, can provide a visible and safe green laser light spot which light angel is same as view angel of binoculars to enhance the viewed objectives illumination up to 300 meters distance. It will let binoculars users use their binoculars conveniently day and night.



綠幽靈3D夢幻籃球機11c ◎世界首創兩大玩法:NBA 三分球大賽、罰球大賽。
HI-SATR CO., LTD. Dream Shooter 3D Green Phantom 11c ◎The innovation of 2 in 1 game: NBA three-point shot game, free throw game.
◎E-control board rotate(patent),the rule is similar to NBA three point shot game.
◎The hit rate infrared sensor hide in steel tube (patent).
◎Electronic control board with moving subtitle, scoring, time, top score record, audio and surrounded LED.



動能啞鈴 動能啞鈴是運用重力加速度轉動所產生的能量而研發出的創新性運動用品,其具備方便攜帶與收納的特性,運動不受空間、場地的限制為忙碌的現代人最方便的創新運動用品。
◎除了0.85kg的單支標準版外,還可擴充啞鈴片,可增加重量到1.55 kgs與2.25kgs。
UCHEER HEALTH TECH CO.,LTD Kinetic Energy Dumbbell The energy is resulted by acceleration of gravity rotation, which is kinetic energy. Kinetic Energy Dumbbell is an all-new fitness equipment. It has a space-saving and minimalistic design, therefore, it is convenient to carry and store.
◎There are iron balls inside the dumbbell to produce kinetic energy, giving exercise and tone the body.
◎The weight of dumbbells can be customized on demand.
◎In addition to 0.85 kgs of standard version, there’re also 1.55 kgs or 2.25 kgs available.





KUO NAO CO., LTD. Adjustable Seat Cushion Ergonomically arced pad with sole pioneered dual air sac support, in combination with the patent touch controlled
Button, allows users to quickly adjust the air pressure to yield the golden curve customized for each individual – evenly curved along user’s back and buttock to straighten the back ad lift the buttock, without the need of electric power. It helps releasing the stress on the waist and back resulted from back postures, allowing comfortable long sitting, and creating a healthy and energetic life while shaping the buttock.